X2Go enables you to access a graphical desktop of a computer over a low bandwidth (or high bandwidth) connection. X2Go is a Remote Desktop solution, which some vendors vaguely call Remote Control. This is not to be confused with Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection, which is a competing Remote Desktop solution and protocol. With X2Go, you can access Linux computers. The Linux computer you are accessing is the X2Go Server. You can connect from a computer running Linux, Windows or Mac OS X. This computer is the X2Go Client. Multiple users/clients can access a single X2Go Server at the same time, with each user/client having an individual Desktop session by default - however, Desktop sharing (Remote Assistance) is possible, too (see below). For the graphical part of remote desktop sessions, X2Go uses No Machine NX3 technology under the hood.
пакеты собраны и завтра будут доступны в autoimports, но для x2goserver еще нужен x2goagent, я повесил баг https://bugzilla.altlinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30460 чтобы его собрали.
у нас в Сизифе nx из nomachine.com, здесь не в autoimports надо собирать, а в Сизифе заменить. до решения этого вопроса удаляю из autoimports, так как +Package x2goserver version has an unmet dep: + Depends: x2goagent (>=